Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Youth Turnout Numbers

The 2008 election saw an increase in turnout by youth voters (those age 18 - 29) and those voters overwhelming supported Democrats up and down the ballot.

Here are some updated numbers on youth turnout...

  • 23 million young voters cast a ballot on Tuesday, an increase of 3.4 million over 2004.

  • Youth turnout will likely top off at 52 - 53%. That would rival the 1992 turnout, and fall just short of the all time record of 55.4% set in 1972.

  • Young voters accounted for 60% of the overall turnout increase. That for the whole electorate.
Here are a couple maps showing what the election would look like if the election was decided by 18-29 year olds that really show the trend torwards Democrats as more Millennials are becoming old enough to vote...


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