Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Why FISA Matters

The Senate will be voting on the FISA capitulation bill today.

Glenn Greenwald explains what Congress is about to do and why FISA matters to everyone.

They are taking away from the judiciary the power to adjudicate allegations of lawbreaking. They are creating a two-tiered system of justice in which our most powerful corporations can break the law with impunity and government officials remain immune from consequences. And they are, in unity, spewing rank propaganda to the commoners -- who continue to be subjected to the harsh punishment for violations of the law and one of the world's most merciless justice systems -- in order to convince them that granting license to our political and corporate elites to break the law is necessary for their own Good and for their Safety.
If you feel strongly about this please call Sen. Harkin at (202) 224-3254 and Sen. Grassley at (202) 224-3744 this morning.

Tell them to vote no on any FISA bill that has telecom immunity in it and remind them they took the oath to protect the constitution and not to protect the telecom companies.

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