Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Richardson Supports Clean Elections and the VOICE Act

Bill Richardson says VOICE legislation should be a priority in 2008.

New Mexico Governor and Democratic Presidential candidate Bill Richardson today signed a letter to the Dubuque County Democratic Central Committee in support of Iowa HF 805, the Voter-Owned Iowa Clean Elections (VOICE) Act. The VOICE Act would allow candidates for elective office in Iowa to use public funding to finance their campaigns.

“As Governor of New Mexico, as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the Untied States and, most importantly, as an American citizen, I fully endorse the Voter-Owned Iowa Clean Elections Act, HF 805, and I applaud the efforts of Rep. Pam Jochum and Sen. Mike Connolly in moving this legislation forward,” Governor Richardson wrote in the letter.

Richardson added...

“When I’m asked on the campaign trail how we can counteract the powerful influence of corporate special interests and get America moving again, the first thing I talk about is campaign finance reform,” he continued in the letter. “In my state of New Mexico , we are engaged in the process of turning our state elections back over to the people.

It is good to see the VOICE Act gaining some support. Hopefully this continues and it can be brought to the floor for the debate in the 2008 Legislative session.

1 comment:

T.M. Lindsey said...

Good to see Richardson endorse clean elections in writing. Common Cause ahd a great add in this weekend's DMR and Richardson had yet to make a written commitment.

Now there's just Hillary. Too risky for her despite the fact that she co-sponsored the latest presidential campaign finance bill introduced by Feingold, knowing she won't have to worry about it.

The line I liked best on Common Cause's homepage was when Biden said in Tipton that he would "embarass both parties into public campaign financing."

Speaking of Biden, maybe he can help ben Rep. McCarthy's ear - since he did endorse Biden.