Saturday, July 07, 2007

Live Earth Ready to Rock

I am excited to watch Live Earth on Saturday. I plan on catching some of it on TV (it is on Bravo all day long and on NBC and CNBC Saturday evening) and listening to it on XM radio while I do things around the house. The concerts feature some great acts and it is for a great cause.

There are so many little things that can be done that can make such a big difference if enough people take action. All it takes is changing a couple light bulbs to compact fluorescents, making sure your car tires are inflated, buying locally, unplugging small appliances that aren't in use, and instead of tossing the empty water bottle out just fill it up with tap water (and make sure the bottle gets recycled when your all done). All it takes is for us to change a bad habit here and there. These aren't difficult things to do. They won't shut down our economy.

Century of the Common Iowan is going green this weekend in honor of Live Earth. I hope you decide to do so too.


Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Just a note that you can't refill used water bottles indefinitely, but that there is a healthy market demand for recycled water bottles, so make sure they get recycled!

noneed4thneed said...

Thanks, I added recycling up there.