Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Thoughts on the Republican Debate

Tonights Republican debate was a lot better than the last one. The questions were better and the crowd was more involved.

Here are some thoughts I jotted down during the debate...

  • Everytime I see Mike Huckabee, I wonder why he isn't gaining any traction. His counter to Rudy on abortion was clear and a lot better than Brownback's simplistic attempt.
  • I think Rudy Giuliani won because of him interjecting on Paul's comment, even though I think Paul had an important point.
  • Tancredo did pretty well. His line about people should have conversions on the road to Damascus and not on the road to Des Moines got a loud ovation and was a clear shot at McCain, Rudy, and multiple choice Mitt.
  • I think Gilmore, Brownback, Tommy Thompson, and Hunter should drop out. Hunter might have some credibility on immigration, but is overshadowed by Tancredo.
I am getting just as much info from the interviews afterwards than I did from the debate. Here some interesting things from the interviews afterwards with Hannity and Colmes.
  • Minutes after the debate, Carl Cameron says some South Carolina Republicans think some of the 2nd tier candidates should drop out. He then mentions Huckabee, Paul, and someone else that I don't remember.
  • In the 20 minutes following the debate the Fox News reporters attack Paul for being anti-war 3 times.
  • McCain did horrible in the interview when he said they will follow us here because they are evil and do evil things. I know 3 year old that show better reasoning. McCain finishes by saying he will be the last man standing in Iraq.
  • Tancredo was interviewed and he seems to have a very similar stance on Iraq as many Democrats. Tancredo wants to disengage our military (i.e. redeploy our troops, but still go after al Queda).
  • When asked how he will move out of the 2nd tier, Tancredo says he needs to do well in the Iowa Straw Poll by getting in the top 5.
  • Sean Hannity and Ron Paul are tearing each other a part about being anti-war in the interview afterward. Hannity's being his usually self and not letting Paul respond. Colmes steps in and makes the point that Paul was trying to make and then Colmes cuts to the commercial.
  • I think Gilmore, Brownback, Tommy Thompson, and Hunter should drop out. Hunter might have some credibility on immigration, but is overshadowed by Tancredo.

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