Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How Locals are Going Green

Found this story in the Iowa City Press Citizen about a few people in the Iowa City that have gone green. It is an interesting read and it even comes with a list of simple ways to reduce energy...

• Change to energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs. They use two-thirds less power than regular lighting.
• Buy home appliances with an Energy Star rating. Some appliances can reduce utility costs by 30 percent.
• Unplug power adapters from wall power sockets when not in use. About 75 percent of all electricity in a home comes from appliances that are turned off, but are still plugged in.
• Find out how much energy your home uses with an energy audit. Many utility companies and state energy departments will audit a home free or at little cost to show homeowners how to be more energy efficient.
• Properly insulate ducts in your home and install weather stripping around windows and doors for a better seal. This traps heat in the home.

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