Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A Look at Vilsack's Campaign

Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post gives the case for a Vilsack Presidential run and a case against a Vilsack Presidential run. Though, both provide basic arguments, they are worth checking out. I agree with Cillizza that the number one thing Vilsack has going for him is geography.

The other primary argument in Vilsack's favor is geography. John Kerry's narrow loss in 2004 has made many within the party wary of nominating another northeastern candidate (Sen. Clinton, we're looking at you). The argument is that a candidate from the Midwest or South is better positioned to win key states like Minnesota, Ohio and -- you guessed it -- Iowa.
And the number one thing going against Vilsack...
Iowa represents a no-win situation for Vilsack. If he manages to wind up on top in the caucuses, most neutral observers will take it as a matter of course -- two term governor wins his home state, no surprise there. In that event, the focus of the national media coming out of Iowa will likely be on who comes in second (or even third), not on Vilsack. He stands to gain no bump from an Iowa caucus win.

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