Sunday, July 09, 2006

Breezing through the Register

The Des Moines Register had some interesting articles today. Here they are...

We can continue to support casinos, hog-confinement and slaughter houses in the state of Iowa, or we can provide sustainable, family-centered jobs that encourage a healthy environment.

We can lay our money down on more stinking air, lost farms, and lost fingers, or we can embrace the new agriculture.

My generation has begun a change. We've stopped chasing our losses and have returned to the simple idea of growing, selling, and consuming our own food within our own borders. We've led the way with pesticide-, hormone- and drug-free products. But we can't continue this journey on our own. We need young Iowans to travel with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHAT WAS YEPSEN THINKING on the caucuses? If we have the state that had the closest race go first each cycle that means that Florida would have hosted the first contest in 2004 and Ohio will host the first race in 2008. Try to imagine a small-state candidate like Howard Dean trying to run in FLA or an underfunded candidate like Kuchinich or Mosely-Braun. This fantastic plan makes no sense and destroys the tradition of Iowa and New Hampshire. I hope nobody takes him seriously on this (like Tom Vilsack or Sally Pederson).