I got this email from the Fallon campaign today and thought I was share it here.
Dear Friends, Well, we didn’t win the Democratic Primary on June 6th. But through your strong support, we sent a message that politics as usual is unacceptable. We created a buzz across the state, and the issues raised in this campaign are not going away.
Last year, the political pundits predicted I’d get no more than 5 or 10% of the vote. I received the support of 38,000 voters – 26% - and finished a strong third on far less money than either of my opponents. I won 8 counties and finished second in 25.
Many people are asking, “What’s next?” While it’s too early to talk about running again, I assure you of one thing: I have a lot of fight in me! Right now, my focus is on two things. First, Chet Culver and I are meeting (and will continue to meet) to discuss issues important to my supporters. I certainly don’t want to see Jim Nussle become governor, but I also want to make sure our concerns have a voice in the fall campaign.
Second, this campaign assembled tremendous resources, which I intend to build on. We have a list of 12,000 solid supporters, 25,000 additional contacts, 1,500 donors, 1,300 volunteers and an e-mail list of 4,400. With your help, I will continue to nurture and develop these contacts to build an even stronger base for future activism, advocacy and elections.
Again, I thank you for all you have done. At a time when clouds continue to darken the political landscape, we have reason for hope and celebration. I will continue my work to assure a brighter future for all who call Iowa home. I would be honored to have your continued support in this effort. Thank you!
Ed Fallon
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