Saturday, May 20, 2006

DM Register Governor Debate on Now

I am watching the Gubernatorial Debate sponsored by the Des Moines Register and aired on IPTV (it will be replayed Sunday at 6:00). Culver, Fallon, and Blouin are in attendance. Not sure where Sal is. Here are some thoughts I have...

  • The segment where the candidates ask each other questions was interesting, but pretty odd. It would be interesting to hear what the candidates thought about that format.
  • Blouin is now saying that a lot of the jobs the Iowa Values fund has created are "in the pipeline." All the other times I have heard Blouin he has said the jobs have already been created.
  • Culver takes a cheap shot at Blouin on education about knowing which students are so far behind on the first day of class. Culver says that as a teacher he could tell the same thing, but as most every teacher, he worked his hardest to help those students. Then Culver goes and gives the same answer that Blouin gave.
  • The moderator has a stone like stature which gives the debate a cold feeling. At least Fallon is trying to liven it up a bit.
  • Blouin's answer to the abortion is pretty good...finally. Too bad he didn't say that from the beginning. He really fumbled the issue because no one is for abortion. The government needs to do everything to reduce the number of abortions by reducing poverty, providing health care, and sexual education. If Blouin would have said this from the beginning this would not be an issue right now.
  • Culver talks about his achievements as Sec. of State making it easier for people to vote by expanding doors, having more polling places, and paved parking lots. Those are all nice, but the thing that really matters is the use of computer voting machines and verifiable having paper trails.
  • Fallon is in a tough situation standing in between Culver and Blouin. This would have been more interesting if Culver and Blouin were standing next to each other.
  • The lightning round is great. It cuts all the gray area and bs out.
  • Closing statements
    • Culver talked about creating jobs close to the land? Compared to jobs in the air?
    • Blouin: Spoke about faith traditions. The next time consultants say to talk more about religion, they will use this as a bad example. It didn't make any sense with the rest of what he said.
    • Fallon: We are in trouble when campaigns come down to big endorsements and big money. His campaign is about big ideas.
The debate will be replayed on Sunday at 6:00 on IPTV.


Anonymous said...

As I stated on Political Forecast:

The biggest surprise and disappointment for me: Culver is against civil unions. I guess I didn't know his stand on this before.

Anonymous said...

P - the get out the script bit was beneath you.

Culver's position on civil unions IS a dissapointment. Hopefully a Democratic controlled legislature can change his mind.

noneed4thneed said...

My comment about the script was more geered toward Culver looking like he is on a commercial when he is talking. You can tell that he has practiced a lot and don't get much personality from it.

Anonymous said...

Okay, fair enough, but then comment on how Blouin had to read from notecards his closing in the last debate. Fallon is the only candidate that looks relaxed and comfortable in his own skin (and with all of his positions).