Friday, June 22, 2007

Des Moines Tops List of Working Mothers

Des Moines has the highest percentage of working mothers in medium-sized metro areas. The data came from the US Census.

Medium Metros: 500K to Million

Top three:

1. Des Moines, IA (79.1%)
2. Madison, WI (75.0%)
3. Columbia, SC (74.2%)


Bret Moore said...

Sad, isn't it? This is one of those horrible consequences of the Federal Reserve and government destruction of our money. The poor and middle class suffer the most. They don't realize the very programs they depend on are what keep them dependent, and enslaved.

End the madness: Vote Ron Paul in 08.

Anonymous said...

That's why I see all those SAHDads lounging around Ashworth pool - just kidding.

I saw another census earlier this week with similar results. I always thought our money went further than our friends' in Chicago, but maybe I'm wrong. It can't be that Iowa mothers just like to work more than other middle-class women...Then again, we live in a town where $40,000/year for a woman is considered pretty big money.