Monday, July 03, 2006

Restore rights lost to war on terrorism

The Des Moines Register editorial board wrote yesterday listing ways our civil liberities and constitutional rights are being broken in the name of the "war on terror." They argue that we need to restore our rights that were lost to the war on terroism and I totally agree. However, the Register's solution is...

The time to begin doing so (restoring our rights) is now by bringing the anti-terrorist spying programs within the law and the Constitution.
Bringing the anti-terrorist spying programs within the law and the Constitution? How is that restoring our rights. That is letting the Bush Administration still infringe on our privacy and making it legal to do so. This is a postion that Republicans like Arlen Specter are advocating. It is saying, lets just take this paragraph out of the Bill of Rights, and this section out of the Geneva Conventions, get rid of this part of the constitution, and piss on the Washington monument while we are at it.

When someone gets pulled over for speeding they don't tell the police officer, "Gee thanks for catching me, now lets raise the speed limit on this road, so you don't have to write that ticket."

That is basically how the Register wants to solve this.

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