Friday, September 05, 2008

America is a Liberal Country

Now that the Republican convention is over it is worth noting that Americans hold liberal positions on a wide variety of issues.

A recent Gallup poll shows...

Americans are pro-choice (67 percent)

Americans support the Geneva Conventions with regards to torture (57 percent)

Americans don't want the government snooping in their bank and internet records (67 percent)

Americans support protecting the environment at the expense of economic growth (55 percent)

Americans believe that global warming is happening (86 percent)

Americans believe that it's the government's responsibility to provide health care (69 percent)

Americans support the decriminalization of marijuana (55 percent) and support the legalization of medical marijuana (78 percent)

Americans are opposed to attacking Iran (68 percent, according to a CNN Poll)

Americans support labor unions (60 percent)

Americans want government funding of embryonic stem cell research (56 percent)

Americans believe rich people and corporations aren't paying enough taxes (66 and 71 percent respectively)


Anonymous said...

83% of statistics are made up.

Unknown said...

What these statistics show is that Americans are of equal parts liberal and conservative.

The problem is that neither party truly represents traditional liberal or conservative values at this point.

Americans are generally liberal in terms of social policy (health care, public safety/welfare, etc...) and tend to be conservative (which should read the government should have limited authority over personal freedoms) on personal freedoms (abortion, drugs, personal privacy laws).

We are a nation of independents that has been coopted by a two party system that fails to truly represent 50+% of Americans.