Tuesday, August 19, 2008

McCain the Elitist Part 2

Brave New Films released this video about John McCain's mansions, private jets, and $520 penny loafers.

Top quote goes to Cindy McCain...

"My husband was running for the Senate in Arizona," she said. "And in Arizona the only way to get around the state is by small private plane and I wound up loving it and buying a plane."
Now raise your hand if you can afford to just go out and buy a private plane.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was a Republican up to the moment the our party nominated John McCain.

I am not one of these starry eyed kids, I know the McCain of the last 30 years and I know that he is NOT WHO I WANT IN THE WHITE HOUSE!

I resolved myself to staying home, but after reading this Im campaigning for Obama right here in Sioux County and for all the Democrats reading this, keep up the good fight!

The enemy of my enemy is my friend and Americas enemy, right below Muslim extremist is Juan McCain!