Thursday, July 10, 2008

McCain's Uncomfortable Position on Birth Control

Carly Fiorina, a McCain surrogate, said early this week that if is unfair that insurance companies cover prescriptions for Viagra, but not for birth control.

So the question was posed to McCain. His answer was filled with rolling of his eyes, an uncomfortable pause, and no comment...

See, McCain has voted against requiring insurance companies to cover prescription birth control.

He knows the Rightwing Dobson clan would be surely be upset if he was in favor of this. However, McCain knows that if he wants to appear moderate and attract women voters who were former Clinton supporters, he needs to be in favor of this.


Anonymous said...

"I don't know enough about this to give an informed answer."

WTF? It's not like we are talking about a really complicated issue here. A pretty simple judgment question regarding fairness. What happened to the Straight Talk Express?

Anonymous said...

That's a great video. You can almost read the ticker in his eyes flashing out "Oh shit, what do I say!"