Thursday, June 19, 2008

Wesley Clark Takes on McCain

The main reason Wesley Clark should be Obama's vice president is that he can go toe to toe with any Republican on foreign policy issues.

Clark did just that last week on MSNBC's Morning Joe by going after McCain...


Anonymous said...

Get em Clark!

Anonymous said...

John McCain wants very much to be the next "War President". He is a man who was cultured in the art of war from his childhood up until now. A son and grandson of four-star Navy Admirals, a Navy veteran and POW of the Vietnam War, he is now a stalwart supporter of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

John McCain has a disturbing fervor for war. McCain has made troubling comments on the campaign trail concerning the war in Iraq. According to him, we will fight the war in Iraq for 100 years. His ill witted comments about bombing Iran indicate his strong desire to engage in military conflict with that country.

Older men like John McCain declare war, but it is the youth of America that must fight and die for the actions of old men. We must not forget the young soldiers who have suffered the scars of wars and the son and daughters of those honored veterans.