Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Re-do

I am a 2nd grade teacher. We have a rule that students can't kick balls on the blacktop because it is not safe. This morning at recess one of my students was kicking a ball on the blacktop and it hit another student. This student wasn't following the rules and had to stand by the wall for the rest of the recess.

When the bell rang, all the students who had followed the rules lined up to go inside. I went over to the student who was standing against the wall to talk to him. I told this student that he chose to not follow the rules and his consequence was to miss the rest of the recess.

Letting Michigan and Florida have a re-do would have been like me letting this student stay outside when recess was over and have extra recess because he didn't follow the rules and missed some of the normal recess time.


Kyle Lobner said...

If you were out there policing the kids, then it's a step better than the recess we had when I was in second grade, which was a total free-for-all. If someone kicked a ball and hit you in the face, then you fought and the stronger kid survived. Which, if you substitute money for strength, is exactly how the political system works.

Anonymous said...

I'm a french law student. I hope you will forgive my poor english, english is very badly learned in France. I would like to have a small explanation : why are we always speaking about B. Obama and H. Clinton ? Here in France we are over-crowded with information on this candidates but we never hear for republicans ones. Is Bush candidate again ?

Anonymous said...

No. The only Republican candidate is John McCain. McCain is a real dangerous war hawk that wishes to bomb Iran and stay in Iraq forever. He also has proven recently that he does not know as much as he says he does about the war

Vote Fallon!

desmoinesdem said...

Right, except your job doesn't depend on this kid voting for you.

Obama trails McCain in OH and PA. It just doesn't look good for Mr. Respect Empower Include to say sorry, your legislatures and party leaders broke the rules, your votes should not count in this historic primary.

noneed4thneed said...

You are right that it isn't Obama shouldn't be saying that. Dean and the DNC should be saying that.