Friday, March 21, 2008

Boswell's Change of Heart

A week ago, I wrote about an upcoming vote on the FISA and telecom immunity, saying that it was a moment of truth for Leonard Boswell.

I thought I should update on how Boswell voted on the issue. After calling for telecom immunity in a January 28th letter to Nancy Pelosi, Boswell flipped on the issue and ended up voting against telecom immunity and siding with the majority of Democrats and against the Bush administration and corporate interests.

This marks the 3rd time that Boswell has flipped on an issue since rumors of Ed Fallon challenging him began last last year. In December, Boswell voted, for the first time, against a war funding bill that didn't include a date for withdrawal. Then in February, Boswell was a late sponsor to a bill that would seek to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney. Now, Boswell votes against immunity for telecom companies.

These are all great developments and I would like thank Rep. Boswell for voting with the majority of his Democratic colleagues and standing up for the wishes of his constituents.

This change of heart on the part of Boswell is the exact reason why a primary challenge is beneficial.

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