Friday, February 15, 2008

Fallon Opposes Telecom Immunity While Boswell Takes Their Money

Ed Fallon is in favor of tracking down terrorists. However, he isn't in favor of immunity for telecom comapanies who knowingly broke the law.

I am opposed to giving immunity to the telecom companies. This is an area where Boswell has repeatedly sided with Bush and against his fellow House Democrats, as when he voted for the Protect America Act and the reauthorization of the PATRIOT Act. I am critical of his record because I believe such legislation is too sweeping in granting new police powers to the government and, as a result, infringes on the civil rights and liberties of Americans.
Boswell on the other hand likes the telecom companies because they help fund his campaign. AT&T gave Boswell $5,000 in donations last year.

So how does Boswell repay these telecom companies? He writes a letter to Democratic leadership in the House saying that he will side with the Republicans and Bush and won't vote for telecom immunity.

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