Saturday, January 19, 2008

Iowa Falls to 4th in Wind Power Production

Even with much discussion about promoting renewable energy in the state, including the development of the Iowa Power Fund to invest in Renewable Energy, Iowa has fallen to 4th place in the nation in wind power production.

As the final day of public testimony on a proposed coal plant in Marshalltown finishes, a new report by the American Wind Energy Association shows that Iowa's leadership in wind power is falling compared to other states in the region. Minnesota now has more capacity installed and both Illinois and Minnesota installed more wind power than Iowa in 2007.

"The difference is clearly policy," said Mark Kresowik with the Sierra Club's National Coal Campaign in Iowa. "Illinois and Minnesota have passed policies that look to the future, such as Renewable Electric Standards, carbon dioxide reduction targets, and even a moratorium on new coal plants. Iowa's energy policy remains in the 20th century."

This new report comes in sharp contrast to the proposed coal plant in Marshalltown, where groups including the Office of the Consumer Advocate are opposing the costly coal burning facility before the Iowa Utilities Board.

"The more Iowans get the facts about this proposed coal plant the more they agree with us," said Carrie La Seur, President of Plains Justice, representing a coalition of energy and environmental groups opposed to the project. "There are better answers for Iowa's energy future."

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