Sunday, November 11, 2007

Video of Obama's Speech at the Jefferson Jackson Dinner

Obama was the final speaker of the night at the Jefferson Jackson Dinner. When his name was mentioned, the crowd went wild. Obama probably had the most supporters in the crowd.

Obama strayed away from the traditional intro music and instead played the Chicago Bulls intro music. Obama began by going through some of the Republican failures and said come election day we need ask what's next. Said we can't be the party of triangulation and had this great quote...

This party of Jefferson, Jackson, Roosevelt, and Kennedy has made the biggest difference when we lead not by polls, but by principle.
Obama says he is running to offer change American can believe in. Said he has done more than any candidate to take on lobbyists and lobbyists won't drown out the voice of average Americans. He is tired of Democrats thinking the only way to look tough on national security is to talk and vote like George Bush Republicans. On Iraq, he said as President he will have our troops home in 16 months. America, our moment is now.
I don't want to spend the next 3 or 4 years refighting the fights of the 1990's. I don't want to pit Red state vs Blue State, I want to be President of the United States of America.
Obama said we can make this election about the future and not about fear and not only will that be a Democratic victory, but an American victory.

This was the 5th time I have seen Obama speak and this was the most fired up, strong, and most passionate speech he has given. His speech was clearly the best of the night.

1 comment:

Chris the Hippie said...

I see in the news that Yepsen liked the speech...