Thursday, November 29, 2007

Anti-Romney Ad

Here's an anti-Romney ad that shows his flip flopping on the abortion issue...

As Jon Stewart says about Mitt Romney while showing a pictures of John Kerry on the screen...

....a patrician flip-flopper from Massachusetts... good luck with that.


Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

As a displaced Massachusite in Iowa, the fact that Romney is doing well here cracks me up - he pretty much even has the same hair as JK!

Jeff Fuller said...

That Romney's being attacked is obvious. Competitors can't make their own case of why they should win, and so they must take down the front-runner.

Romney's the most impressive guy I've ever met. That he's winning where he's campaigning is not a quirk.

Democrats beware!

Anonymous said...

He is now pro-life!...and that's all it matters to me! oh, btw, he's also the most competent and most experienced (executive & otherwise) candidate. I'm for Romney!