Saturday, November 10, 2007

2007 Jefferson Jackson Dinner Liveblog

Here are some notes I jotted down from the 2007 Jefferson Jackson Dinner.

Lt. Governor Patty Judge said we are building a bio-based economy here in Iowa. I wonder how 2 new coal-fired powered plants fit into that.

Governor Chet Culver outlines the accomplishments that were made during the last year including raising the minimum wage, increasing teacher pay, lifting the ban on stem cell research, expanding health care to children. Culver said in Iowa our dreams do come true.

Now onto the Presidential candidates.

John Edwards is up and gives a great speech that gave the Democratic base a lot to cheer for. Edwards begins by saying that Democrats need to stand strong and have a backbone and then goes through things Democrats need to stand up for.

We do not believe in allowing lobbyists to write the laws of the United States of America, and we do not believe that we are above the law. What we believe is we believe in the promise of America for every American.
The body of Edwards speech focused on health care. He garnered huge applause when he said that if Congress doesn't pass universal health care by July 2009 then he will use his power as President and take health care coverage away from the Congress, Cabinet members, and members of his administration. Edwards gave a great speech and was getting applause from all over the auditorium. He will be tough to follow.

Bill Richardson thanks the Democratic activists and caucus goers for showing how a strong democracy works. Richardson says Iraq is the number one issue and he is the only candidate here that says all the troops will be out in one year. He thanks Iowans for being so welcoming and for cheering on the underdog. He says it is important that Democrats don't tear each other down and keep a positive campaign.

Joe Biden is up next and begins by saying he owes Rudy Giuliani an apology. He said in the last debate that the only things Rudy says in a sentence is a noun, a verb, and 9/11. However, after Pat Robertson endorsed Rudy, he now adds an amen in there. Biden theme is that we need to level with the American people. To accomplish anything we need more than a 51% majority, we need to establish a consensus to solve education, health care, and global warming. Says in the last debate everyone talked about Iran, but he talked about Pakistan. These problems all relate to one another and as long as we are in Iraq, no other country will follow our leadership in other hotspots in the world. Biden says he can't wait to debate Republicans on values. Asks what is a more important value, insuring every child in America or giving more tax cuts to the wealthy. Says the Democratic Party will be judged harshly if they are unable to bring the nation together and the world together. Has a great line, "don't tell them what they want to hear, tell them what they need to know."

Taking an intermission from the Presidential candidates by letting Iowa's delegation in the House speak. Boswell then shows off some mad auctioneering skills as they auction off a signed donkey and Nancy Pelosi's scarf, which goes for $6,000.

Some of the supporters from the first 3 candidates have left. The Richardson section is nearly empty.

Back to the Presidential Candidates. Chris Dodd's turn. Dodd leads off with some jokes that seem to fall flat. Says the first thing he will do is protect the constitution. On the very first hour on the very first day as President, he will restore the constitution. Adds in there something about retroactive immunity to telecom companies. Says he will have all of our troops out of Iraq by 2013 and that he saw the banners up in the balcony. Says there shouldn't any candidate up here tonight who doesn't get our troops out of Iraq by 2013. He discusses electability, which draws some cheers and boos among the crowd. He says to solve our problems we need a candidate that can work together with Republicans. Finishes with the theme that Chris Dodd will get the job done on universal health care, education, and winning the White House.

Before the main attractions of Hillary and Barack, Sen. Tom Harkin's will be speaking. Harkin focuses on stem cell research and the Farm Bill. Says he is happy to be a Progressive voice for Iowa and lead Iowa on a Progressive agenda. Harkin clearly has plenty of fire left in him and is on his way to be re-elected to his 5th term.

Clinton's up now. Looking at all the signs her supporters are holding up, her theme for the night is 'turn up the heat." Clinton is hitting on the experience theme by saying change is just a word if you don't have the strength and experience to make it happen.
We must nominate a nominee who has been tested and elect a president who is ready to lead on day one.
She is discussing her background and says she is glad to have fought for healthcare and this time around she will finally get health care for every American. Says there are some who say they are unsure where she stands. She stands in the same place she has stood for 35 years where she has fought for children. Clinton says we need to attack the problems we face and we need to turn up the heat on the Republicans.

Clinton's speech is very good and sounded very much like a general election speech that brings people together. She discusses her support from elected leaders in red states and includes possible VP candidate Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana and Gov. Ted Strickland of Ohio, who is in the audience. I wonder what Tom Vilsack thinks about that.

Obama is the final speaker of the night. When his name is mentioned, the crowd goes wild. Obama probably has the most supporters in the crowd. Obama strays away from the traditional intro music and instead plays the Chicago Bulls intro music. Obama begins by going through some of the Republican failures and says come election day we need ask what's next. Says we can't be the party of triangulation and comes out with this great quote...
This party of Jefferson and Jackson, of Roosevelt and Kennedy has made the biggest difference in the lives of the American people when we lead not by polls, but by principle.
Obama is running to offer change American can believe in. Says he has done more than any candidate to take on lobbyists. Says lobbyists won't drown out the voice of average Americans. He is tired of Democrats thinking the only way to look tough on national security is to talk and vote like George Bush Republicans. Says as President he will have our troops home in 16 months. America, our moment is now.
I don't want to spend the next 3 or 4 years refighting the fights of the 1990's. I don't want to pit Red state vs Blue State, I want to be President of the United States of America.
Obama says we can make this election about the future and not about fear and not only will that be a Democratic victory, but an American victory.

This is the 5th time I have seen Obama speak and this is the most fired up, strong, and most passionate speech he has given.


Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

I thought this was Obama's most passionate speech yet as well - as my friend said "he actually seems like now he actually wants it."

Mary said...

As the wife of an Army soldier who is spending his second fifteen month tour in Iraq, I support Joe Biden. It was my husband who asked me to take a good, solid look at Joe, and when I did, I was completely impressed. Biden is competent in a way that our country has been thirsting for. Musharaff and Bhutto called Biden before they even called Bush, and they didn't call Hillary or Obama. His plan for Iraq is the most comprehensive and logical one out there. Please, do as my husband, an Army medic asked me, and take a good, solid look at Joseph Biden.

Anonymous said...

I support Joe Biden. ...He made an impression on this voter from the West Coast over 25 years ago.
He is always working with others, many times from the so called Opposing Party, to accomplish a much needed result..
His big problem is that he doesn't call attention to himself, but is more concerned with getting things done.
Now, we need to talk to our friends, relatives, and tell them about Joe Biden, and how to get more information on him, and his long service to our country.
Go to

Anonymous said...

The fact that Sen. Biden does not bring attention to himself, instead spends time "getting things done" only emphasises his committment to our country and not to self-interest. If we fail in voting him as our next president-not VP not SEC of State-but LEADER- we will have lost the finest statesman of our lifetime. We are putting our faith & confidence in Iowans to start the "Surge" needed to get him as #1 in the top tier. Please don't let us down IOWANS!!

Anonymous said...

Clintons Experience in government amounts to 8 years as First Lady, several years as Arkansas First Lady and 6 years as Senator of New York, where she has been running for President. Joe Biden has been a Senator- re-elected in Delaware since 1972...35 Years.. Who has more Experience?
How old is Obama? Does anyone think he has more experience than Biden? No offence to youth, but just by years on the job, Biden has the experience to get the job done..
So how do these 2 become the Top 2 candidates? Do we really want to be bought off by their large advertising campaigns, funded by large corporations with vested interests?
Joe Biden has been asked his opinion by newscasters for many years, many networks.... He can talk spontaneously, as they catch him exiting the building, he's breif, to the point, says what we need to hear to understand the current problem.
I believe I am trusting him with my Life, with the Lives of my Family.... and he is the only candidate I do have this Faith in.