Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Obama Unveils Energy Plan

Yesterday, Barack Obama unveiled his energy plan in New Hampshire (why he didn't do it in Iowa, a leader in renewable energy, is unknown.). Here's a clip of Obama discussing why we are now in an energy crisis. He also takes a few swipes at Hillary while he's at it. saying...

There are some in this race who actually make the argument that the more time you spend immersed in the broken politics of Washington, the more likely you are to change it. I always find this a little amusing. I know that change makes for good campaign rhetoric, but when these same people had the chance to actually make it happen, they didn’t lead. When they had the chance to stand up and require automakers to raise their fuel standards, they refused. When they had multiple chances to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by investing in renewable fuels that we can literally grow right here in America, they said no.

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