Sunday, September 30, 2007

Would Rudy be Worse than Bush?

Would Rudy Giuliani be worse than Bush?

John Dean thinks so.

John Dean knows something about White House abuse of power. He wrote a bestseller in 2004 on the Bush White House called Worse Than Watergate. In a recent interview I asked him what he thinks of that title now. Now, he replied, a book comparing Bush and Nixon would have to be called Much, Much Worse.

“Look at the so-called Watergate abuses of power,” he said. “Nobody died. Nobody was tortured. Millions of Americans were not subject to electronic surveillance of their communications. We’re playing now in a whole different league.”

And how does Bush compare with the Republicans seeking to succeed him? “If a Rudy Giuliani were to be elected,” Dean said, “he would go even farther than Cheney and Bush in their worst moments.”


Anonymous said...

Rudy's instincts are just as bad, but the religious right would not back up Rudy as Jesus's right hand on earth the way they have done for Bush, so I suspect he would not be able to do as much damage to the constitution.

His judicial appointments would probably be just as bad, though.


The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...


Of cousre, the consensus of judicial opinion is very hostile to your conclusion re: W.

Aside from the occasional district opinion, usually from a Carter appointee, the Administration almost always wins in Court.

Drives you guys crazy also. Hee hee.