Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Selling Access To the White House

The John Edwards campaign sent an email out about a fundraiser Hillary Clinton is having yesterday that gives special interests government access for a donation.

From Political Wire...

In an e-mail, adviser Joe Trippi wrote: "Today at noon, Hillary Clinton will be hosting a fundraiser in Washington, D.C. for a select group of lobbyists with an interest in homeland security. Tickets for the Clinton fundraiser are $1,000 a ticket and $25,000 per bundler. And for that money you get more than a meal -- you get to attend one-hour breakout sessions in four different areas of homeland security that will include House Committee Chairs and members of Congress who sit on the very committees that will be voting on homeland security legislation."
It is good to see Edwards pointing this out. I am surprised Obama has brought it up either because this is exactly what Obama means when he says we must change the rules of the game. Clinton talks about change, but these antics is exactly what is wrong with Washington right now and it is clear Clinton won't be changing anything about it.


Anonymous said...

With Hillary's health care plan (which borrowed generously from Edwards' plan), I was just starting to think that maybe she wouldn't be as bad as I thought.

Then I read about her lunch.

Clearly the Clintons will not do anything to upset the moneyed interests that already have too much power in Washington.

I'm glad Hillary proposed comprehensive health care reform, but I don't trust her to go to the mat to get it done.

We can do a lot better with the strength of our current field. Hillary would be my fourth or fifth choice, even if I had no concerns about her electability (and I have many).


noneed4thneed said...

I totally agree.

Anonymous said...

HRC is fake,corrupt and a power monger.It is crystal clear how the mainstream media(the acting arm of the lobbyist)are marketing her eventhough any decent soul will no there`s nothing to buy.On the issue of experience,i hope the daughter will not one day run because of her own experience in the white house.She feels American politics is a game between dems and reps(every now and then "the republican machine").Please this election is about us the american people,it`s about who feels or cares about the american people as one nation,one people regardless of your party.With the war in Iraq,our tarnished reputation and the hardship the average american is facing,we don`t need another four years of fighting the republican or dem machine;this is what fuel,motivates HRC.Her exposed letters talk for themselves