Sunday, September 16, 2007

Harkin Steak Fry Roundup

All of the candidates are done speaking and people filling out of Indianola Ballon Field. As the speeches go, I would say Edwards, Richardson, and Obama were at the top of the list. I took notes and pictures of all the candidates and will have in depth posts throughout the next couple days.

I am home now. From talking to people while walking out, the consensus was Edwards and Obama performed well, while Hillary was somewhat of a disappointment.

Iowa Independent had some great coverage of the Harkin Steak Fry with 5 people on the ground. Chase liveblogged all the same speeches, so check out what each candidate had to say...



Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

But I thought Chris Dodd was the most entertaining of the bunch!

noneed4thneed said...

I think Dodd started slow. It took him awhile to get through the thanks yous and get to the meat of his speech. However, he did have the funniest line of the day when he said they weren't here to just suck up to Tom Harkin.