The DNC has new website called I'm With None of the Above highlighting the fact that Republicans don't really like any of their candidates.
They sight 2 recent polls. One showing None of the Above polling ahead of all the other candidates...
Support Among Likely Republican Voters:
None of the Above23%
Rudy Giuliani21%
Fred Thompson19%
John McCain15%
Mitt Romney11%
(Source: AP-Ipsos Poll, 7/17/07)
And one showing Republicans aren't satisfied with their choices...
Q: Are you satisfied with the current choices for the Republican nomination?
* Includes 'somewhat satisfied' and 'somewhat dissatisfied'
(Source: ABC News/WaPo 7/25/2007)
So since None of the Above will be on the Ames Straw Poll Ballot, who what candidate will Republicans vote for?
They have a big ad in the Ames Tribune tonight, just in time for the out-of-towners.
Nice! Smart move by the DNC.
Actually "None of the Above" is a great move for the people. We just need to get it on the 2008 Presidential ballot. Since Hillary is the already chosen President, at least the people can vote for "none of the above".
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