Saturday, August 04, 2007

Loebsack's First Bill Tackles Education

Rep. Dave Loebsack has introduced his first bill in Congress called The Reducing Barriers to Learning Act. The bill has 28 co-sponsors.

From the Des Moines Register...

The longtime professor's bill aims to expand non- academic services ranging from counseling and social work to speech pathology and physical therapy that are offered in schools.

The effort is one sign of the growing responsibilities schools have, and the public's expectation that they offer more than reading, writing and math lessons. Many support services entered schools around 1975, with the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Loebsack said he believes that boosting the nonacademic services is necessary to help students overcome personal roadblocks and succeed in the classroom.

"There are a lot of students who come to school every day and they're really not ready to learn, not prepared emotionally, or sometimes physically, to do their best at school," Loebsack said in an interview. "This is all about reducing barriers to learning."

I have worked in rural school districts and in a larger district in Iowa and have seen this issue come up in both districts. It is good to see Rep. Loebsack taking this issue on to improve the education opportunities for children in Iowa.


Anonymous said...

Arff Arff What should we all have expected from one of Nancy Pelosi's freshman lapdogs ?

Professor Loebsack apparently never studied very much constitutional law - only "politics". He needs to be reminded - again - of the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, which reads :

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved FOR THE STATES (emphasis added) respectively, or to the people."

So the first bill introduced by the political science/ expert politician is purely unconstitutional - ROTFLMAO!

Loebsack needs to see what the real world is all about, outside of the narrow myopic world of politics and political science - ya' know get a real job for ONCE in his life!


Anonymous said...

So by your logic that makes that stinking NCLB unconstitutional, right?
How do you feel about illegal wiretapping? That OK?

Anonymous said...

This has good intention. A lot like No Child Left Behind. At least making an effort to get help outside of the school for children who need it will probably work better than NCLB. I've seen so many people get high school diplomas just by having teachers sign off, rather than having to do -any- work at all.