Monday, July 02, 2007

Democrats Want to Ban Permanent Bases in Iraq

There is a bill introduced by Democrats in the House that would ban money from being spent on permanent bases in Iraq and control of Iraqi oil.

From Politico...

Reps. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Tom Allen (D-Maine), David Price (D-N.C.) and Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), introduced H.R. 2929 on Thursday. The bill, which several Democratic sources predicted would be taken up by the House next month, would prevent the spending of any government funds to "establish any military installation or base for the purpose of providing for the permanent stationing United States Armed Forces in Iraq," as will as "to exercise United States economic control over the oil resources of Iraq."

The Iraq Study Group included both provisions in its report last year.

"The perception that the United States plans a permanent military presence in Iraq fuels the violence against our troops and strengthens the insurgency, and the administration's comments about a 'Korea model' have only made matters worse," said a statement from Lee's office. "A clear statement of policy, as the Iraq Study Group recommended, that the U.S. does not intend a long-term or permanent military presence in Iraq would send a strong signal to the Iraqi people and the world, and help support our goals of handing over responsibility for security and public safety to Iraqi forces."

This bill would be a big step in changing the perception that we are an occupying force in Iraq. Hopefully, it gains supports and passes. Our members of Congress will probably be around the state over the 4th of July holiday. If you see them make sure you ask them if they support this bill.

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