Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Oh, we're looking for a moderate

Listen up all centrists and so-called moderates. Ned Lamont had this to say at the Take Back America Conference about healthcare reform...

"If you're an entrepreneur in business, you're a progressive in government. Because you see problems and you want to solve them."
and he added...
What is the one thing Fortune 500 corporations never say when they're in the market for a leader? ""Oh, we're looking for a moderate."


iPol said...

I wouldn't be too quick to dump on "centrists and 'so-called moderates.'" They're most of the electorate, and the ones who are going to decide the outcome of the 2008 election.

It might make more sense to try to win them over than fire broadsides at them. If you want to win, that is.

noneed4thneed said...

Moderates and Centrists are not most of the electorate. The inside the beltway definition of moderate doesn't fit what it really means to be moderate in real life.

To me a Centrist is someone who favors policies that help big business and maximizing profit. This includes a lot of Republicans and DLC (or what the media calls moderate) Democrats. Corportism isn't a moderate belief out in the real world. The same could be said for universal health care, caring for the environment, trade, and many other issues.

I have written a lot about this in the past. Search the tag "centrist" to read some of it.