Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Edwards and Obama Air TV Ads

John Edwards and Barack Obama have gone on the air with TV ads. Edwards' is playing in New Hampshire, while Obama is hitting Iowa with 2 ads.

Head over to Political Forecast to view Obama's ads (I couldn't figure out how to embed the videos).

Obama's ads do a good job outlining his experience. A person I know says they won't be voting for Obama because he doesn't have the experience. If you look at the number of years as a legislator, Obama has more than Clinton and Edwards. Obama was also a community organizer and taught constitutional law. Obama's ads do a good job outlining his experience.

And here is a look at Edwards' ad...

Edwards' ad has a populist theme that stresses a need for change and closes with the line "it's time to be patriotic about something other than war."

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