Thursday, May 17, 2007

McCain's Straight Talk Express Missing From the Senate

Sen. John McCain is running for president, but has seemed to forget his day job. Political Wire posted that McCain has gone 5 weeks without voting in the Senate, including yesterday's key votes on Iraq.

I know on the Democratic side, Senator Joe Biden has had to cancel a couple of trips to Iowa because he didn't want to miss votes in the Senate.

Maybe for someone like McCain, who is trying to run away from his voting record in the Senate, it doesn't make sense to be making more votes. Why produce more evidence that you lack the credentials to make it through a Conservative primary?


The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

"I actually voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
That should answer your question.

I think we all know where McCain stands on Iraq, immigration, and the larger War on Terror (or whatever one calls the terror problem in appeasment circles).

Is Evita whose been on more sides of those issues than one of Bucky Fuller's geodesic domes.

noneed4thneed said...

This has nothing to do with where McCain stands on the issues. The people of Arizona expect McCain to do his job in the Senate. McCain is getting paid to do a job and he has taken a 5 week vacation.