Saturday, May 05, 2007

Impeaching State 29 for Taking Pleasure in the Deaths in Iraq

Vulgar and xenophobic blogger State 29 has numerous posts this week attacking people for not wanting more people to die in Iraq.

On Friday, State 29 goes after David Goodner, who blogs at the Des Moines Register. Goodner wrote...

Two 19-year old Iowans, Katie Soenksen and Brian Botello, were killed in Iraq this week.

For those of you who are counting, that’s 54 dead Iowans and somewhere around 3,704 dead Americans due to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

That’s enough bodies to fill the entire Pedestrian Mall in Iowa City plus a square block around it.

This is a monumental tragedy. Thousands of young Americans have died for nothing. Real people. Real hopes. Real dreams. Real families. Real lives.

They didn’t have to die. We already know the invasion was based on falsehoods and lies. Why must the occupation continue?

It is estimated that over 600,000 Iraqi’s - mostly women and children - have died as a result of the U.S. invasion and occupation of their country.

How long must blood be spilled for oil?

State 29's response is filled with outright lies, lack of facts, and gleeful joy over the deaths in Iraq.

State 29 writes...
That 600,000 number is bogus and he knows it. So is the "woman and children" lie.

Falsehoods and lies, eh?
A quick check with the Google and you find this article from CNN called "Study: War blamed for more than 655,000 deaths in Iraq." The article says...
War has wiped out about 655,000 Iraqis or more than 500 people a day since the U.S.-led invasion, a new study reports.

Violence including gunfire and bombs caused the majority of deaths but thousands of people died from worsening health and environmental conditions directly related to the conflict that began in 2003, U.S. and Iraqi public health researchers said.

A New York Times story about the same reports says...

The figure breaks down to about 15,000 violent deaths a month, a number that is quadruple the one for July given by Iraqi government hospitals and the morgue in Baghdad and published last month in a United Nations report in Iraq. That month was the highest for Iraqi civilian deaths since the American invasion.

But it is an estimate and not a precise count, and researchers acknowledged a margin of error that ranged from 426,369 to 793,663 deaths.

Falsehoods and lies, eh?

State 29 then goes off spouting Rightwing talking points saying that Saddam Hussein was a bad guy. No one is doubting that. However, the question that the anti-war left (that latest polls show 64% of Americans favor a timetable for withdrawal of troops) is asking is if it was worth the lives of our soldiers and innocent Iraqi's, and billions of dollars to invade a country to get rid of one guy that posed little threat to our security when there were actually terrorists running around.

It is like State 29 gets off over the reports of how many people are dying in Iraq. He probably jumps with joy when he reads any of the 4,348 news stories found on Google during the past day when I searched "soldier dead in iraq."

Most of State 29's comments are so void of substance that he has to jazz it up with crude and vulgar remarks. In one post this week, State 29 wrote...
But a lot more people don't like assholes. And lately the assholes are the anti-war kooky leftist liars and terrorist supporters.
Ironically, State 29 is the biggest a**hole out there.

No more State 29. I'm impeaching them. I encourage the rest of you bloggas to do the same thing.

(Note: I would have posted this as a comment to State 29's blog, but he does not allow comments. Feel free to post your comments here.)


Anonymous said...


State 29 loves to dish it out, but I too find it ironic that he does not allow comments. No better than a vandal with a can of spray paint.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for backing me up, good sirt. Keep doing your thing bruh!

Baby Keeper said...

Great blog. Thanks. I just viewed the Blackwater video. Makes me sick. Are you aware that the maternal and infant mortality rates have skyrocketed to second and third worst?

I am adding you to my favorite blogs list on mine --- Check out about a six year-old boy who was taken from his only caregiver, his grandmother, by IL DCFS for bogus reasons -- Speaking of terrorists.

My son is in Iraq -- I was against this war and any way, and as a mother of a soldier, I must do mental gymnastics to get through it. As a parent, when our child participates, and those whose child dies, they have to have their child's death be for a reason. We all need to recognize this. I am angry, as are most of us, that this goes on and on and on, while the majority of Americans make little to no sacrfices. The ticker on my blog clicks away -- 420+ BILLION dollars while life in America looks just the same. Must keep that housing market and new car market going. Why are people not in the streets to bring our soldiers home? I have to believe that my son and his fellow soldiers/colleagues zre doing something of benefit to the world even though we know not what it is yet? To shed light in some nasty dark places? They who are doing the deed to maintain our status quo in the world will come home to be our leaders in moving us in a new direction. We need to listen to them and honor them. And, support their families. My heart breaks for the babies and children of the soldiers. Society has NO IDEA what the affect is on those whose family is there. How to unnumb this society?

I am glad to read about the young people in Iowa flocking to be engaged in political service. (Yeah, Iowegians! I am an Iowa born and raised girl -- and proud it, dang it!) I suspect this war is going to bring our young people to the polls and into political life -- like VN did.

Thanks for the place to voice my feelings. I'll be watching your blog as the election fervor increases --- I am at a loss.

Baby Keeper said...

oops ...

Afghanistan and Iraq now have the worst maternal and infant mortality rates in the world.

Anonymous said... for contacting assholes.

The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

First, the UN statistics are quite dubious and frequently include things like disease as a cost of the war.

Second, a far smaller number of civilians have died since the US invasion than during the typical comparable period of Saddam's reign of terror, ask a Kurd.

If civilian deaths bother your conscience, what do you think will happen if we pull out before the Iraqis get their proverbial "shit" together. Slaughter with a Nazi like intensity, and no one there to control it would be among the least dangerous outcomes of a premature US withdrawal (another Vietnam analogy for you).

Third, State 29 is belittling and ridiculing something alright, just not the fallen soldiers.

noneed4thneed said...

I never said that State 29 was ridiculing the soldiers. He is overjoyed with their deaths.