Thursday, March 15, 2007

Biden Speaks about Iraq on Senate Floor

Joe Biden gave a passionate speech on the Senate floor about ending the failed policy in Iraq. Biden said...

Our troops don't lose wars, bad policy, bad leadership loses wars. We should have the courage to stand up and tell the administration that they have a god awful policy. They have put our troops into a position that has made it virtually impossible to succeed at the outset. They deserve a policy, they deserve a plan. There is no plan.

Now when Republicans counter that Democrats don't have a plan, they haven't talked to Joe Biden. Biden is knowledgable on foregin affairs and has a plan on exiting Iraq, rebuilding the country, and stablizing the region. When Biden talks about Iraq, people should listen. I am glad that he is speaking out and leading on the issue.

If I agreed with Biden on other issues, he would be near the top of my list for President.

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