Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Obama Townhall in Des Moines on Wednesday

Barack Obama will be holding a townhall meeting in Des Moines tomorrow. Here is the information...

Please join Senator Barack Obama for a Town Hall Meeting at the Polk County Convention Complex at 5th and Grand in Des Moines on Wednesday, February 21st. The event begins at 7:45 PM. Doors will open at 6:45 PM.

If you would like to volunteer at the event, please email qstaudt@barackobama.com. For more information, please call 515-450-6945.

The event is free and open to the public. You can RSVP below to receive your ticket by email. Or call 515-450-6945 for a list of ticket distribution locations or print your ticket from their website.
I won't be attending since I attended the event in Ames at the beginning of the month (You can read the writeup here and here.).

And a reminder that Ambassador Joe Wilson will be giving a lecture at Iowa State on Wednesday night.


iPol said...

I'll be there. Surf over to http://ipol-2008.blogspot.com/2007/02/mic-time-v-face-time.html for my pre-event thoughts, and check back after the event for a write-up.

Gavin Aronsen said...

It's spelled "Barack." ;)