Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Is Feingold the Only One With the Courage to End the War?

Sen. Russ Feingold is way ahead of every other politician out there on the Iraq issue. Feingold is calling for a plan for redeployment of troops out of Iraq in six months then funding for the war will be pulled. Feingold's plan is the same way the conflicts in Somalia and Bosnia were ended when Clinton was President.

Feingold was recently on Countdown with Keith Olbermann and discussed his plan and his opposition to the Warner-Levin non-binding Resolution.

Feingold also held a conference call with some bloggers. Bob Geiger, David Sirota, and Bradblog wrote about it. Bradblog wrote this about Feingold's comments...

In a passionate, thirty-minute call, Feingold stressed, "This is an important moment to see if we're gonna try and end this war. Frankly, I'm disappointed that Democrats are playing it safe on this one."

"We need to play hardball on this. We're gonna have to take the lead on this issue and we're gonna need to tie this place up as long as it takes," he said in describing what he sees as a fear and timidity in his colleagues who now hold a slight majority in the Senate...

"The problem is a whole lot of middle-of-the-road Democrats who refuse to pull the trigger, who refuse to do what needs to be done," Feingold stressed. "Even people who voted against the war" seem afraid, he explained. "It requires courage. It requires brinksmanship."

Unfortanately, it looks like the new Democratic congress is lacking the courage. The bottomline in Iraq is that Bush's surge is already underway. Non-binding resolutions won't accomplish anything when more troops are already being deployed into harms way. The only thing Congress can do that actually has teeth is to do what Feingold is proposing and it is what the vast majority of Americans want. We need a Congress that has courage to listen to the American people.

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