Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Escalation of Iraq War is Morally Wrong

President Bush is going to speak tonight about the need for more troops in Iraq. It's not going surprise anyone that I think sending more troops into harms way is a stupid idea.

Republicans like to drape themselves in moral issues. This is a moral issue and sending more troops and escalating the war is morally wrong.

Here is an article that discusses sending more troops to Iraq and asks how many deaths are too many?

Make no mistake. The American public opposes the war for pragmatic reasons. It isn't working. The reasons given for it were false. The promised progress was a lie. No victory is near.

The public doesn't need more understanding of the issue. The public doesn't need to be more patient. The public does need moral clarity that informs their growing opposition to the war.

Surging troop levels violate three of the time-honored rules of a just war. First, a surge does not provide a reasonable hope for success. It only prolongs the failed war. Winning the war is a myth. Second, a surge does not ensure non-combatant civilian immunity from war. It only escalates in a civil war the number of deaths and disfigurements. Third, a surge increases the war's costs which already outweigh the original goals for the war.
Instead of sending 20,000 more troops, we should do what John Edwards has been saying and immediately redeploy 20,000 troops.

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