Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Cruelly Unpredictable Lightness of State 29

State 29 had a post yesterday called The Growing But Cruelly Unpredictable Lightness of Being about a woman who has come upon some hard times. State 29 questioned the cruel unpredictable economy the story refers to by saying...

What's this "cruelly unpredictable economy" BS that Dorman interjects into the story? The unemployment rate in Iowa is something like 3.4% and, last I saw, anybody who could turn on a computer was guaranteed a relatively decent paying job.
First, I would like to know what you would consider a decent paying job.

As for the cruelly unpredictable economy, the woman was educated and making a living. Then she lost her job and could not find a job at similar pay. This underemployment is more and more common. This would be the cruel part.

The unpredictable part would be car repair bills, illnesses, etc. You never know when they will come about.

Finally, State 29 wonders why the woman doesn't move to Canada if she wants Universal Health Care. This is coming from the person that spouted off hate and racial remarks on the recent immigration raids.

Again, this advice from Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird might be helpful...
If you just learn a single trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.
(Note: I would have posted this as a comment to State 29's blog, but he does not allow comments. Feel free to post your comments here.)


Anonymous said...

"It's not okay to hate anyone, Scout."

-Atticus Finch

Anonymous said...

State 29's consistent level of anger, hate, and general bad mood is quite impressive. I read his blog sheerly for perverse entertainment, as I am a Green Party member.

With an attitude like State 29's, he's bound for a heart attack.

Chris Woods said...

Nice use of To Kill A Mockingbird--one of my favorite books.