Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Young Candidates Ready to Take Office

One topic that I have written a lot about is how to stop brain drain and keep young Iowans in Iowa. After the November elections, one answer might be to have them run for office. From the Gazette Online (which requires a subscription, so no link)...

Young freshman welcomed into Iowa Legislature: This year, voters elected eight state representatives who are 30 or younger. According to party officials, that includes Republicans Pat Grassley of New Hartford, Steve Lukan of New Vienna and Matt Windschitl of Missouri Valley, and Democrats McKinley Bailey of Webster City, Andrew Wenthe of Hawkeye, Tyler Olson of Cedar Rapids, Elesha Gayman of Davenport and Ray Zirkelbach of Anamosa. Some of these young legislators left Iowa to pursue opportunities out of state, but returned because of the people and quality of life.
Congratulations on these 8 for winning and it is good to get some new perspectives out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steve Lukan is no new face. This is his thrid term. He is a republican who has broken many a record for how fast he could sell his votes to the Republican leadership.