Friday, November 24, 2006

The Way Turkey Should Be

I read this article in the Des Moines Register yesterday while I was in the car on the way to Thanksgiving dinner. It is about a farmer in SE Iowa, who raises free range turkeys and other animals, butchers them, and sells them directly to the consumer.

Rodgers is among dozens of farmers in Iowa who pasture-raise turkeys and other animals. They don't give them hormones, routine antibiotics or grain that is chemically enhanced or genetically modified.

The bird is sold directly to a customer who has loads of hungry relatives at home, eager to pick away at the huge pile of meat on the biggest eating day of the year.
I am going to be looking into purchasing something from this farm or find another farm that might be a little closer to my home.

Now, I would like to thank Denise O'Brien for bringing these types of farms to my attention. If it wasn't for her campaign, I would have just skipped this article. This is an simple example of entrepenuership without business suits. It is a simple way to grow Iowa's economy.
So, on 153 acres, among a sea of huge farms, he placed a few chickens, then turkeys two years ago and calves this year. He tossed his name into the marketplace after reading Zig Ziglar on pitching a product.

Rodgers' dream sounded risky but simple: Grow animals the way God intended - critters scurrying about, happily eating and going about their day until someone higher on the food chain gets hungry.

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