Friday, November 17, 2006

Loebsack Keeps People in Mind

I am still excited about Dave Loebsack's victory in the 2nd District. Yes, Jim Leach was a moderate, but Leach sold out working people recently when he voted for CAFTA, for the bankruptcy bill, and against a livable wage. As the title of this post says, Loebsack is going to Washington with the interests of the people first.

From MSNBC, via the Burlington Hawk Eye...

"I didn't do this for me," Loebsack said of his win over Leach. "I did this for all those people I met on the campaign trail, people who are hurting so much. I'm just going to do everything I can while I'm in D.C. to make their hopes and dreams a reality."

Loebsack campaigned on restoring the hope and opportunity that the Republicans and the Bush administration have taken from the people. Loebsack said his first priorities will be to work on health care and minimum wage legislation.

"One of the first things I want to do is sign onto the national health insurance, single-payer health system bill," Loebsack said, referring to HR 676.

Loebsack said there are currently 46 million Americans, of which 10 percent are Iowans, who are without health care insurance, which is one of the reasons why he supports a universal system.

Check out the rest of the article for more details on Loebsack's plans in Washington.

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