Sunday, September 17, 2006

Happy Constitution Day!

Today is Constitution Day. I just got back from planning the lesson I am going to teach tomorrow for Constitution Day.

CSPAN has a video discussing the Constitution up on their website.

Here is an interactive Constitution page.

This site has some interesting videos about the Constition, including one called, "Domestic Spying: What are the checks on Presidential power?".


Jeremie Jordan said...

Oh yeah, Democrats protect the Constitution so well...


Gun control?

It's all perspective, man...

noneed4thneed said...

Never said anything in the post about Democrats protecting the consitution. There are a lot of Democrats that aren't doing that.

As for abortion, there was this Surpreme Court that was decided that made it constitutional. Get over it and start working to limit the number of abortions by solving the reasons behind them.

Jeremie Jordan said...

As of right now wiretapping is legal, get over it.

Pretty crappy comeback, eh?

noneed4thneed said...

According to FISA law it is illegal to wiretap on US soil without a warrant. Since the law was enacted in 1978 (and later updated in the Patriot Act) only a handful of warrants have been denied. Why won't the Bush administration just get the warrant? Who are they watching?

Anonymous said...

Are signing statements constitutional?
Are they an example of "executive activism"?

Congress, the press, and citizens need to ask more questions about presidential powers.

Jeremie Jordan said...

They're watching you, man. Who the hell else would they be watching?

If it's always a conspiracy, it make it all easier to swallow?

noneed4thneed said...

The point is that no FISA would deny a warrant to wiretap a suspected Terrorist. The fact that only a handful of warrants have been denied by FISA in its almost 20 years of existance shows that is it pretty easy to get a warrant.