I found this on Blog for Iowa via the Iowa Policy Project about raising the minimum wage here in Iowa. One of the arguments against raising the minimum wage is that the people that make the it are usually teenagers. This pretty much squash's that argument...
The report found a minimum wage increase to $6.15 would benefit 53,000 working Iowans. The average hourly pay raise would be 37 cents. Of those workers:
€ 57 percent are over age 20;
€ 61 percent are female;
€ 27 percent work full time; and
€ 12 percent are parents.
If the minimum wage were increased to $7.25 per hour, about 257,000 Iowans – or 18 percent of all workers – would receive an average hourly wage increase of 60 cents. Of those workers:
€ 75 percent are over age 20;
€ 58 percent are female;
€ 42 percent work full time; and
€ 20 percent are parents.
What you said, and the data you present, don't logically intersect.
You said, minimum wage recipients aren't typically teenagers.
The data you present says, just over half of employed people make $6.14 per hour or less.
Minimum wage is exactly $5.15 per hour. It is not a range in between $5.15 and $6.15.
A one dollar range is quite large considering the numbers -- it's almost 20% of your base figure.
In addition, your figures suggest a correlation between age and pay, ie the older a person is, the more the average pay is.
$7.25: 75% over age 20
$6.15: 57% over age 20
$5.15: ??
I'd bet money that it's well under half, which would disprove your argument.
Have you done any economic analyses of the effect on the small businesses that employ the 53000 odd people that will fe effected.
How many MW employees in Iowa are just teen agers working a part time job. I don't think most working Iowans view raising the wages of children as a real need in a state starved for idigenously produced small businesses.
I wonder how the little struggling small town restaurant, competing with Kountry Kitchen or Perkins would welcome a 20% increase in labor costs. Or that little grocery store that has to compete with a WalMart 20 miles away.
Liberal economics are childlike.
This study shows that with a raise to $6.15 an hour, 57% of the people that would get the raise are over 20, thus not teenagers working part time jobs. That number goes up to 75% if you raise the minium wage to $7.25.rc
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