Sunday, June 18, 2006

Crazy Steve King hits it big at the Republican Convention

I did a little reading about the Republican State Convention tonight and saw these 2 quotes from crazy Steve King's speech. The first one comes from the Johnson Co. Republicans who had this quote from King, "There are probably not 72 virgins in the hell Al-Zarqawi is in. If there are, they probably all look like Helen Thomas."

Then Krusty Konservative had this about the King speech... "He (King) said that when Saddam was captured, he went out and celebrated Iraqi style by going outside a shooting his shot gun in the air. The reason it’s so funny is you don’t really know if its true or not, because you can see him doing it." You bet I can see him doing it. What a nutcase.

I was sure glad that Krusty used the word crazy (krazy in Krusty language) in the same paragraph describing King's speech. Krusty also hoped that King runs against Tom Harkin in 2008. Well, this common Iowan sure hopes King runs against Harkin too.

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